Sport help us to become strong and healthy. Healthy people should exercise regularly. There are many kinds of sport: walking, running, cycling, swimming and so on. The simplest and the best sport is walking. It is also the cheapest one, because we do not need money to do it.
... In big cities like Jakarta or Bandung the traffic are so heavy. The pollution caused by traffic is so high and endangered respiration. With the growing of the cities, people need buildings for place to live in. The development so fast. It makes air open land become smaller. So difficult to find an open area for recreation.
... The management of the big cities then come with an idea to make a certain area become a place for people to use as a place for sport and recreation. In a certain area on Sunday the traffic can not used. They called it "Car Free Day" area.
... In Bandung there are two areas (roads) which every Sunday closed for traffic. Those two roads are Ir. H. Djuanda street or used to be known as Dago street and the other one is Buahbatu street. Dago car free day area start from Dipati Ukur cross road until Cikapayang cross road. Buahbatu car free day area start from BKR cross road until Banteng cross road. Car Free Day every Sunday begin from six o'clock in the morning and finish at ten o'clock.
... Every week lot of many people come to the Car Free Day area. Along the street then many people also come to open temporary food counter. They are selling many kind of dishes. Starting from a light snacks to an heavy dishes.
... We can find many traditional foods like Lontong Kari, Kupat Tahu, Nasi Uduk, Satay Padang and many other traditional dishes. We can also find Pizza, Hamburger, Hot dog, Ramen, French Fries and many other kind of foods from different country.
Many kind of beverages can be find like es dawet, es campur, es cingcau hijau, milk shake, youghurt, ice blend and many more.
...The idea of Car Free Day at first is to reduce pollution in a certain area. The Car Free Day are then utilize by every body for walking, cycling and many other sport activity. The Car Free Day is not only for peole who do exercise, now also a place where people meet their friends for a chat and to enjoy buying foods. Car Free Day area became an area where people can enjoy a fresh air without pollution and danger from a heavy traffic... I love it!
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